ketamine-assisted therapy newport news va

Introduction to Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT)

Welcome to the transformative world of ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT). This innovative adjunct therapy blends the potent effects of ketamine therapy, a medication known for its rapid-acting benefits, with the supportive structures of therapy to foster profound healing and personal growth. At Illuminate, we believe in the power of intention, reality creation, and integration used alongside the medicinal nature of ketamine to achieve a deeper, more sustained sense of well-being.

What is KAT?

Ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT) is a therapeutic approach that integrates ketamine infusions with holistic therapy to unlock profound psychological insights and emotional healing. At illuminate, we offer a unique, cutting-edge approach to the traditional ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) by incorporating the expertise of an Occupational Therapist to integrate these sessions into your activities of daily living. Our on-staff OT has specialized training in Psychedelic Therapy and Integration, and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist, allowing incorporation of both skillsets into each session. This combination allows patients to explore deep-seated emotions and thoughts in a supportive, controlled environment and integrate them into their daily activities.

In KAT, ketamine is administered via IV, inducing a mild dissociative state that breaks down psychological barriers and emotional “armor”, enhancing patient’s receptivity to therapy. Our approach to KAT is to facilitate an environment that is most supportive for long-term growth. During the session, our therapist guides the patient, helping them navigate their thoughts and emotions inward, where the greatest change occurs.


Effective preparation is key to maximizing the benefits of ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT). After an initial in-person consultation for ketamine treatment, patients choosing to incorporate KAT into their treatment plan will schedule a KAT Preparation Session with our therapist.

Our initial sessions are foundational and are designed to build trust, set intentions, and prepare for the psychedelic experience. We’ll discuss your history, psychological well-being, and any specific concerns or hopes regarding the therapy. We aim to:

  • Build Trust – Openness and comfort are vital. These sessions allow us to form a therapeutic connection, where patients feel supported and able to bring up any concerns.
  • Set Intentions – We will explore goals for ketamine-assisted therapy and form intentions for your journey while remaining open and not becoming overly attached to specific outcomes.
  • Learn – The therapist provides information about the ketamine infusion, expected effects, potential challenges, and safety measures. Patients are invited to ask any questions they may have.
  • Practice – Patients will explore and practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques that may them remain present during and navigate the treatment process.

The KAT Experience: During Ketamine Infusions

The experience of a ketamine-assisted therapy session at Illuminate is carefully designed to provide comfort and maximize therapeutic outcomes. We look at our therapist as an attenuator when it comes to ketamine therapy for anxiety. An attenuator in audio engineering or signal processing serves to reduce the strength of a signal without distorting its original essence. This serves as a metaphor for a therapist’s role in ketamine-assisted therapy in several ways.

  • Modulating Intensity – Just as an attenuator moderates the strength of a signal, a therapist helps patients modulate the intensity of their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, allowing them to explore distressing experiences at a manageable level.
  • Maintaining Integrity – An attenuator preserves the integrity of the original signal. Similarly, a therapist respects and maintains the authenticity of a patient’s experiences and perspectives, providing support without imposing change or distortion.
  • Creating Safety – By reducing signal strength, an attenuator prevents overload to a system. Analogously, a therapist creates a safe environment for patients to explore difficult issues without becoming overwhelmed, ensuring therapeutic progress without harm.
  • Facilitating Clarity – Reducing extraneous noise or interference, an attenuator brings clarity to a signal. A therapist helps patients gain clarity by supporting the patient in sifting through ambivalence or confusion.
  • Adaptive Modulation – The level of attenuation can be adjusted based on need. Similarly, a therapist adapts their approach based on the patient’s needs, providing more or less support when appropriate to facilitate growth and understanding.
  • Empower the Patient – While an attenuator manages the signal strength, the essence and information within the signal remain active. In therapy, the therapist empowers the patient to find their own solutions and insights, supporting autonomy and self-efficacy.
  • Transitional Role – An attenuator is not a source of signal but a modulator. Similarly, a therapist is not the source of a patient’s growth but facilitates the conditions under which growth and change can occur, honoring the patient’s inherent capacity for healing.

Safety Measures

Safety is paramount at Illuminate. Following the recommendations set forth by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, all sessions are conducted under strict medical supervision with emergency protocols in place. Patients are continuously monitored, and their vital signs are checked regularly to ensure their physical well-being throughout the session.

This therapeutic setting is not only safe but also nurturing, designed to foster a sense of security and openness. This environment, combined with professional guidance, allows patients to explore deep psychological processes and start on their path toward healing.


What is Integration?

Integration is an important phase where patients reflect on experiences and apply lessons learned in ketamine treatment sessions into everyday life.

  • Reflection – Patients are invited to share their psychedelic experience, touching on the emotions, thoughts, and awarenesses they encountered. This is patient-lead, as patients are only share to the extent they find it helpful.
  • Connecting with Daily Life – Together, the therapist and patient explore ways to apply their experience to enhance wellbeing, relationships, and overall life perspectives.
  • Coping Strategies – Patients are monitored for individual coping strategies and coping mechanisms to address any challenges and support positive changes.
  • Ongoing Support – These sessions provide a supportive space for ongoing reflection, adjustment, and growth as integration of experiences continue even after acute ketamine-infusion therapy has ended.

At Illuminate, we acknowledge that every individual’s journey is unique, and our approach is flexible and adapted to specific needs and responses. We are here to support our patients every step of the way, ensuring a journey that is meaningful, safe, and conducive to growth and healing.

Integration Process

After each ketamine treatment session, patients engage in a debriefing session with their therapist to discuss their experiences and insights. This conversation is vital for translating the profound experiences during treatment into actionable steps in their daily lives. The therapist helps the patient understand and contextualize their feelings and thoughts, facilitating a deeper understanding of their emotional and psychological landscapes. Additionally, longer sessions are available and are typically recommended weekly, and can vary from patient to patient.

How to Get Started

Starting your journey with ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT) at Illuminate is designed to be smooth and supportive. Here’s how to begin:

ketamine-assisted therapy newport news va

Scheduling Your Session

During an initial consultation for ketamine therapy in Virginia, we will discuss KAT and decide the appropriateness for incorporation into your ketamine infusions. If patients choose KAT as part of their plan of care, an initial preparation session will be scheduled prior to the first ketamine infusion. Our team is ready to assist in setting up a time that works best based on patient needs, ensuring all necessary information is received to prepare for a comfortable and effective session.

Are you ready to discover how KAT can illuminate your path to mental wellness? Click here to request your consultation today. We look forward to helping you achieve healing and a brighter future.

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