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What is Ketamine Treatment?

Ketamine treatment, also known as ketamine infusion therapy, involves the use of ketamine, a psychedelic dissociative anesthetic that has been administered by anesthesia providers in operating rooms for decades. The use of ketamine in mental health and chronic pain treatment is continuously evolving, and early studies have shown significant results. In low doses, ketamine has been shown to alleviate symptoms of conditions such as treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic pain with better, faster, and longer-lasting relief than traditional medications. Ketamine therapy can often bring about a noticeable improvement in symptoms within hours or days of treatment.

Ketamine is delivered in several ways with varied effectiveness based on the route of administration. Oral preparations (lozenges) are generally less effective as they need to be metabolized by the digestive system. Intranasal administration of ketamine (SpravatoTM) depends on multiple factors affecting the amount of medication that reaches the bloodstream. At Illuminate, we administer ketamine infusion therapy for anxiety using Intravenous (IV) or Intramuscular (IM) routes. These routes are the gold standard for ketamine treatment because they bypass the absorption pathways required for intranasal and oral administration, ensuring patients receive the entire dose of medication. IV and IM ketamine have a 97-99% bioavailability (the amount of medication available for the body to utilize), while other routes range from 10-30% bioavailability. Utilizing IV and IM routes of administration allows us to precisely control patient-specific dosages of ketamine for maximum therapeutic benefit and symptom management.

We also offer Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT) for patients seeking a holistic and integrative approach to ketamine treatment.

Initial Consultation

Before beginning treatment, each patient undergoes a thorough initial consultation. This includes a detailed medical and psychological evaluation to determine the suitability of ketamine infusions alone or in conjunction with KAT. We discuss the patient’s health history, current medications, and specific mental health challenges to tailor the therapy to their needs.

Setting Expectations

Patients are advised on how to prepare for their session to ensure comfort and safety. This includes guidelines on eating, drinking, and what to wear. We prepare patients mentally by discussing what to expect during and after the session and addressing any concerns or questions they might have.

This initial phase is crucial for establishing a trustful and informed foundation, enhancing the therapeutic experience, and optimizing the outcomes of the treatment. At Illuminate, our goal is to make each step of the process as clear and comforting as possible, ensuring that patients feel supported throughout their journey to wellness.

The Process:

In treatment sessions, ketamine is administered under medical supervision to ensure safety and effectiveness. The medicine works by creating a temporary altered state of consciousness, which can help break the cycle of negative thought patterns and provide a ‘reset’ for the emotional centers of the brain.


Ketamine infusions are particularly effective for individuals experiencing depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. The rapid action of ketamine, often within hours to days, can provide significant relief, offering a lifeline to those in distress. Sessions typically take 40 minutes for mood disorders. Pain infusions typically last longer to facilitate the higher dose required.

At Illuminate, all ketamine treatment is provided as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes follow-up care and support, ensuring that improvements in mood and outlook are sustained over time. This approach not only addresses immediate symptoms but also contributes to a longer-term strategy for managing mental health.

Safety Measures

Safety is paramount at Illuminate. Following the recommendations set forth by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, all sessions are conducted under strict medical supervision with emergency protocols in place. Patients are continuously monitored, and their vital signs are checked regularly to ensure their physical well-being throughout the session.

This therapeutic setting is not only safe but also nurturing, designed to foster a sense of security and openness. This environment, combined with professional guidance, allows patients to explore deep psychological processes and start on their path toward healing.

How Does Ketamine Treatment Work?

Ketamine is an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist. NMDA receptors are a type of receptor in the brain that are involved in the transmission of pain signals and the regulation of mood and cognition. By blocking these receptors, ketamine may help to alleviate pain and improve mood.

In addition to its effects on NMDA receptors, ketamine also affects other brain chemicals, such as glutamate, serotonin, and dopamine. These chemicals are involved in the regulation of mood, motivation, and reward. By modulating the activity of these neurotransmitters, ketamine may help to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.

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